Committee for Equity and Inclusion

CEI graphic


The Committee for Equity and Inclusion will advocate for equity and inclusion to be valued and recognized at all levels and sectors of our institution.  We will foster a culture that promotes equity, diversity and inclusion by acknowledging and responding to the voices of our faculty, staff, and students as well as the community in which we reside.

The Committee will work diligently to develop thoughtful and innovative approaches to solve complex SPH community issues related to equity and inclusion.


  1. Develop a plan for cohesively, consistently, and intentionally embedding DEI in the School’s strategic goals and communicating the role of DEI in our School’s core values.
  2. Strive towards a shared understanding and knowledge of DEI issues/topics.
  3. Embed a DEI lens in all communications and messaging
  4. Participate in and provide recommendations for ongoing revisions to curriculum and pedagogical practices across SPH
  1. Conduct campus climate surveys using external and independent vendor every three to five years to inform and align with SPH’s strategic framework.
  2. Conduct internal annual campus-wide assessments on DEI at the school.
  3. Develop, track and make available DEI metrics on student recruitment, admissions, retention, and outcomes.
  4. Develop, track and make available DEI metrics on faculty and staff in recruitment, hiring, retention and career advancement, including but not limited to promotion, tenure, and movement in title.
  1. Embed DEI as a goal and outcome in the Assessment Plans for each academic program and administrative unit of the School
  2. Integrate DEI in professional development and training
  3. Work with the appropriate School committees, departments and units to advocate for and suggest strategies for equity in policy and procedures that impact students, faculty and staff
  4. Collaborate closely with Student Services, Student Government Association and Alumni to ensure DEI is considered and visible in their initiatives and programs
  1. Work with administration on providing dedicated financial, personnel and other resources for long-term investment and sustainability of effective DEI capacity-building efforts.
  2. Develop a robust and focused DEI program with targeted activities and events, trainings, professional development and leadership development programs for faculty and staff
  3. Identify and disseminate external DEI specific engagement activities for students, faculty, and staff.
  4. Ensure the School infrastructure supports DEI within its physical facilities and in assistive technology.
  1. Strategize around initiatives to further advance faculty and staff recruitment and hiring efforts, particularly in areas in need of more diverse representation.
  2. Advocate for transparency and equity in faculty and staff hiring, retention, career advancement and compensation.
  3. Work with the appropriate School committees, departments and units to identify fair and equitable approaches to performance evaluation.


  1. ACLU: writing your representativesTips for writing your representatives about important issues
  2. My RepsEnter your address and find your local, county, state & federal representatives 
  3. Guide to calling your representatives – Created by UCLA-includes sample script and tips for before, during, and after calling 
  4. Democracy Forward – Democracy Forward is a national legal organization that advances democracy and social progress through litigation, policy and public education, and regulatory engagement. 

By-Laws of the Governance Council of CUNY SPH

The relevant paragraphs on the Committee for Equity and Inclusion can be found in Article V, Sections 7.1 – 7.5 of the CUNY SPH By-Laws.

The below section is an excerpt from the CUNY SPH By-Laws:

Article V
Section. 7. Committee for Equity and Inclusion

  • 7.1. Composition: The Committee for Equity and Inclusion shall be composed of thirteen diverse members, as follows: five elected faculty (represented by two tenured, two tenuretrack and one nontenure track faculty), five staff members, and two students elected by the general student body during the scheduled elections in the spring. The Chief DiversityOfficer or their designee shall serve as an exofficio nonvoting member.
  • 7.2. Selection: Members of the Governance Council shall nominate and elect two tenured faculty, two tenuretrack faculty, one nontenure track faculty, and five staff members. There should be at least one faculty representative from each department.
  • 7.3. The elected members and staff members of the Committee will each elect one faculty and one staff member as cochairs, who will serve renewable threeyear terms. The elected student members will serve oneyear terms, renewable for up to three years.
  • 7.4. The Committee for Equity and Inclusion may establish subcommittees to address specific issues on equity and inclusion, and to lead specific projects and activities related to advancing equity, diversity and inclusion at SPH. The Dean, in consultation with the Chair and Chief Diversity Officer, may appoint other SPH
    faculty, staff and students to serve as ad hoc nonvoting members to the Committee and/or subcommittees to lead these activities.
  • 7.5. Duties: The Committee for Equity and Inclusion shall center SPH’s commitment to nurturing a diverse, equitable and inclusive campus climate, and will support and foster representation in leadership and progressive thought and action. The Committee shall collaborate and consult with other standing and ad hoc committees and administrative units of the School, as relevant, to make recommendations and advocate for
    • equity and inclusion to be valued and recognized at all levels and sectors of our institution,
    • a culture that promotes equity, diversity, and inclusion by acknowledging and responding to the voices of our faculty, staff, and students, as well as the community in which we reside, and
    • diligently working to develop thoughtful and innovative approaches to solve complex SPH community issues related to equity and inclusion, and long-term and short-term goals, as set forth in the School’s current strategic plan.

Racial Justice and Equity Survey Report

In July 2020, CUNY SPH leadership reached out to hear from students, recent graduates, faculty, and staff about how the racial justice movement that intensified over summer 2020 impacted their personal and professional lives and what actions the School should undertake, as an initial step, to create a culture and climate that fosters and supports racial equity and justice, diversity, and inclusion. The responses to the survey provided critical insight into the actions and interventions we should prioritize. This initial assessment was envisioned as a guide to begin to review and evaluate our learning and working situations, and develop a comprehensive plan of diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and initiatives. 

View report

Agendas and Minutes

CEI Events for February 2025

Monthly Observances:

  • Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month
  • Greek American Heritage Month
  • Gender Equality Month
  • Irish-American History Month
  • Women’s History Month
  • Ramadan Begins


Significant Dates for March 2025:

  • 3/1: Employee Appreciation Day
  • 3/8: International Women’s Day (UN)*
  • 3/10: Harriet Tubman Day
  • 3/12: Equal Pay Day
  • 3/21: World Down Syndrome Day (UN)*
  • 3/21: International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (UN)*
  • 3/22: Puerto Rican Emancipation Day
  • 3/25: International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade (UN)*
  • 3/31: Cesar Chavez Day
  • 3/31: International Transgender Day of Visibility

CUNY Black History Month Events:
