Whom to Contact for What

Updated for Spring 2025 Semester

Topic Main Contact Person(s) Other Contact(s) and Comments
Academic Advising Matthew.Paczkowski@sph.cuny.edu


(646) 364-9639

Click here to schedule an appointment.
Accessibility Services Sara.Ingram@sph.cuny.edu

Student Disabilities Director

The Office of Accessibility Services (OAS) provides appropriate and reasonable accommodations to all students with disabilities as mandated by federal law. Click here to register with OAS.


Reasonable Accommodation Appeals Sahana.Gupta@sph.cuny.edu
ADA-504 Coordinator
(646) 618-0129
For reasonable accommodation determination and academic adjustment appeals.
Admissions Admissions@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-9507
The Admissions Office can assist students with immunizations, NYS residency applications, re-admissions, and certificate to degree program transition.
Alumni Relations AlumniNetwork@sph.cuny.edu


The SPH Alumni Network hosts events that provide opportunities for mentoring and networking between alumni, current students, faculty, public health professionals, and employers.
Associate Dean of Student Affairs and Alumni Relations Lynn.Roberts@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-0253
Chat with Your Dean of Students Wednesdays 4-5pm in Room 503 or via Zoom.
Blackboard (Bb) HelpDesk@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-9555
BlackBoard is the virtual learning and course management system for the CUNY SPH. All inquiries for obtaining access or troubleshooting can be directed to the HelpDesk.
Bookstore SPH Online Bookstore Students can login to the SPH Online Bookstore with their CUNYFirst credentials to purchase textbooks, supplies, and SPH swag.
Bursar Bursar@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-9550
The Bursar’s Office is available to assist with billing, tuition payments and refunds.
Career Services CareerServices@sph.cuny.edu The Office of Career Services provides a wide range of resources to support students and alumni along their career paths. Services include career coaching, specialized workshops and events, resume/cover letter review, and much more.
Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Sahana Gupta
Chief Diversity Officer
(646) 618-0129
CUNY equal opportunity and non-discrimination policy
Financial Aid FinancialAid@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-9661
The Financial Aid Office provides assistance with student scholarships, loans, and tuition reimbursement.
Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) hrpp@sph.cuny.edu


The HRPP Office provides regulatory and administrative oversight of human subjects research (HSR) conducted by SPH faculty, staff, and students to ensure high-quality ethical research in compliance with federal and CUNY policies.
Identification (ID) Cards Public.Safety@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-0272 or (646) 364-0275
Students must carry their IDs at all times while on campus. Students should contact Public Safety immediately to either obtain or replace an ID. There is a $10 fee for replacement IDs (money order or check only).
International Student Office (ISO)


Immigrant Student Success Liaison for SPH

iso@sph.cuny.edu ISO Director Lea Dias is available to support immigrants and advise International Students with I-20, CPT, OPT, work and travel authorizations. Click here for more info on the ISO.
Experiential Learning (Fieldwork, PopHI Project) OEL@sph.cuny.edu The Office of Experiential Learning (OEL) supports the fieldwork process and responds to the requirements for applied practice set forth by CUNY SPH’s accrediting body, the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). Click here for more info.
IT Help Desk HelpDesk@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-9555
IT Resources for Students
Lactation Support Room Quiet and private space is available for breast/chest feeding parents to pump and store milk.
Room: 819
Click here for more info.
Library Services Library@sph.cuny.edu


Click here for more info.
Photocopying and Printing HelpDesk@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-9555
Students have an allotment for making photocopies and printing while on campus.
Public Safety Public.Safety@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-0272 or (646) 364-0275
Room: 7th Floor Security Desk
In the event of an emergency or public safety concern students should contact the Public Safety Office in-person or via phone.
Registrar Registrar@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-9506
Click here for more info on the Registrar’s Office.

For timely assistance with registration issues, email inquiries should be sent using student SPH email address and must include the CUNYFirst student ID number in the email for verification and to abide by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Sexual and Interpersonal Violence Prevention and Response Course (SPARC) Training General Info:

James Warren


In keeping with the NYS “Enough is Enough” law, SPARC educates students about sexual misconduct (including domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and sexual violence), ways to prevent it, and the campus’ response to a complaint. CUNY requires all incoming students to complete SPARC On-Line training in their first academic year.

Training modules available via BlackBoard.

Student Academic Issues Administrative support provided by: Copy Department Chairs:
  Each SPH academic department is assigned an Administrator to assist students with special academic issues that might arise such as grade changes, class permissions, identifying faculty advisors, incompletes, independent study, leaves of absence, maintenance of matriculation, probation, withdrawal, etc.
Student Emergency Fund For more info and to apply, click here. The CUNY SPH Foundation Student Emergency Fund provides quick-response grants to CUNY SPH students who are facing current short-term financial emergencies.

For general info: EmergencyFund@sph.cuny.edu

Student Government (Graduate Student Government Association) GSGA@sphmail.cuny.edu



The Graduate Student Government Association (GSGA) is a student-elected body supported by Student Activity Fee funds to fulfill its responsibilities to serve the CUNY SPH student body.


Student Life StudentLife@sph.cuny.edu Still not sure where to go? Contact the Student Life Coordinator who can direct your inquiry.

The Student Life Coordinator also handles administrative appeals and serves as liaison to the Title IX Coordinator, Office of Student Disability Services, and the student government association.

Student Support: Counseling and Wellness Counseling@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-9526
Free and confidential individual counseling and support group sessions are available. Click here for more info.
Student Support: Quantitative Tutoring Marcel.Ramos@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-9585
Click here for more info or to schedule an appointment for help with quantitative skills.
Student Support: Writing Tutoring Peter.Moysaenko@sph.cuny.edu Click here for more info or to schedule an appointment for help with writing.
Title IX Sahana Gupta
Campus Title IX Coordinator
(646) 618-0129James WarrenTitle IX LiaisonJames.Warren@sph.cuny.edu
(646) 364-9673
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”) is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs and activities at universities receiving federal funds. Under Title IX, discrimination on the basis of sex can include sexual harassment or sexual violence, such as rape, sexual assault, sexual battery, and sexual coercion.

See memo on the Re-Implementation of the 2020 Policy on Sexual Misconduct

Click here for more information.

