Recruiting and Hiring Project Staff

This procedure aims to provide Principal Investigators (PIs) and/or Hiring Managers guidance to assist with the planning and hiring of grant-funded personnel.


Research Foundation (RF) personnel work primarily on a research project. The following conditions must be met to initiate their hiring:

  • A contract or agreement for the project has been received;
  • The approved project budget has sufficient personnel funding for the role;
  • The individual to be hired is authorized to work in the United States.

For any questions regarding the above requirements, please contact your Grants Officer (GO).


PIs are responsible for recruiting individuals for projects the RF administers. PIs may recruit through the RF Personnel Vacancy Notice (PVN) System and can use the RF offer letter template to present an offer of employment to a candidate.

The basis of the employee’s classification is the number of hours an employee works during a bi-weekly pay period. Employee classification determines the benefits an employee receives and the fringe benefit rate charged to the sponsored project.

  • Full-time (employee works 70 hours)
  • Part-time A (employee works more than 38 but less than 70 hours)
  • Part-time B (employee works 38 hours or less)

Hiring Procedure

Once the candidate for employment has been identified and accepted the position, PIs or Hiring Managers must inform their GO of their intention to hire.

Listed below are the steps of the onboarding process:

1. Inform the grants office of the intention to hire and provide:

a. Personnel Action Form
b. Job Duties and Qualifications
c. Candidate’s email address

An introductory email is sent to the candidate, and the initiation of the I9 and E-Verify invitation is requested from the RF Campus Personnel Coordinator.

  • Section 1 of Form I-9 must be completed on or before the employee’s first day of work.
  • Section 2 of Form I-9 and E-Verify must be completed within three business days from the employee’s first day of employment.

The employee must accept the job offer before initiating Form I-9 and the E-Verify process.

2. The RF Onboarding packet is initiated and must be completed by the candidate.

If the RF project is a 9th ledger account, the request may require receive Vacancy Review Board (VRB) approval before onboarding. The VRB meets on Fridays, and the VRB spreadsheet should be completed by Monday’s end of the day to be submitted on time for the weekly VRB meeting.

PIs should inform SPaR well before their intent to hire to initiate the approval process.


A rehire is any employee reappointed after a break in service lasting 120 or more days.

The applicability is determined by the prior appointment’s last timesheet date and the new appointment’s start date. Upon accepting an offer of employment, the employee must complete the rehire packet and their I9.

VRB approval is required for rehires as well.

Sharepoint Onboarding

Once an employee’s hire packet has been approved, the PI is responsible for completing a SharePoint RF Position Request to initiate the creation of an employee email, ID, and employee credentials.

Related Resources

RFCUNY Job Descriptions
RFCUNY Job Titles and Salary Guidelines
RFCUNY Employee Benefits
RF Onboard System Employee Manual
