Annual Leave

Annual leave is paid time off accrued by Research Foundation (RF) employees at a rate based on their years of service, to be used for vacation, personal business, and other scheduled time off.

The accrual basis is the eligibility of the employee’s role and hours worked. Employees categorized as on-call, temporary, seasonal, or graduate research assistants and part-time instructors are ineligible to accrue annual leave.


The purpose of this procedure is to summarize the process of accruing, scheduling, and charging annual leave and to detail the responsibilities of both the employee and the Principal Investigator (PI) as it relates to the annual leave process.

Accrual of Annual Leave

On a biweekly basis, RF employees submit timesheets via the RF’s time and leave system. Once approved and processed, annual leave hours are calculated and tracked within the system to reflect paid time off available. Annual leave is accrued based on the following rates:

Job Classification Years of Service Days Accrued Per Year Hours accrued per hours worked*
Full and Part-Time Less than 3 years 15 0.057692
  Between 3 and 8 years 22 0.084615
  8 or more years 25 0.096154

*Annual leave is not accrued on overtime hours or Fair Labor Standard Act (FLSA) hours.

Annual leave accruals can be viewed in the time and leave tab of the time and leave system by selecting the accrual link. Selecting the view account details screen allows employees to review their accrual and charged annual leave by project appointment and pay period for their entire period of employment with the RF.

Scheduling Annual Leave

RF employees should request annual leave in writing from their supervisor in advance.

It is the responsibility of the PI to ensure that each employee charges all accrued annual leave to the RF project throughout the employee’s appointment or to arrange for a payout of any outstanding annual leave at the time of termination or project close-out.

Charging Annual Leave

Annual leave can be charged at a minimum unit of one hour, with additional leave being charged in multiples of one-quarter hour. Annual leave for a specific pay period should be added to the employee’s timesheet during bi-weekly submission.

Required Annual Leave Payouts

If any accrued annual leave remains at the end of an employee’s appointment or the closeout of a project, a payout must be processed. Suppose a payout is required and insufficient funds are available in the project to charge the remaining annual leave. In that case, it is the responsibility of the PI to cover the cost of the employee’s annual leave from discretionary funds.

To avoid any annual leave payout, PIs can review employee accrual balances per project by navigating through the time and leave (Payroll Administration) system when logged into the RF website with their PI credentials and navigating to the view accruals tab.

Related Resources

Sample Employee Timesheet Header
Timesheet User Manual
Personnel Action Form User Manual
Timesheet Submission and Approval
