Public Safety

The mission of the Public Safety Department is to promote a safe and secure environment in a minimally intrusive manner that strives to protect and respect the rights and dignity of all individuals.The protection of our students, faculty, staff and guests, along with our premises and property, is central to the achievement of CUNY SPH’s educational, research and cultural mission.

CUNY public safety logo

Public Safety is committed to providing a comprehensive and progressive program of security, public safety, crime prevention, emergency response, fire safety and other related services. CUNY SPH is proud of its safety record and our officers are dedicated to maintaining a safe and secure environment while adhering to the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and ethical conduct. A truly safe campus can only be achieved through the cooperation of all its students, faculty, staff, faculty and guests. The potential for crime does exist and each of us should assume personal responsibility for our safety by taking precautions to prevent ourselves from becoming victims of crime.

The school’s hours of operation are Monday through Thursday, 8am – 9pm, with the campus operating remotely on Fridays during the Summer Semester.

CUNY students, faculty and staff access the building by presenting a valid CUNY SPH ID card or other CUNY ID card. Non-CUNY visitors having qualifying reasons to enter must show picture ID and sign in at the lobby desk.

Security desks are located on the 5th, 6th and 7th floors of the school. A security officer is stationed at the reception desk during hours of operation. If there is no security officer at the reception desk, please stop by the 7th-floor reception desk for assistance. To gain entry to the 8th floor, please call the individual faculty or staff member you are scheduled to meet, in order to gain access to the floor. To access CUNY SPH floors, faculty, staff and students use their CUNY SPH ID to swipe in at authorized keycard access doors.  Students are provided with access to their required areas for classes, labs or lounges.

CUNY SPH faculty or staff members who wish to host a visitor, need to complete the Request to host a visitor form at least two business days in advance of the visit, and inform visitors to bring a photo ID while on campus.  Guests must present a picture ID and sign in at the Public Safety reception desk of the floor they are visiting (7th-floor reception desk if the guest is visiting someone on the 8th floor).

Visitors who are on campus for 30 minutes or less per visit, such as mail carriers and delivery workers, do not need to submit the visitor form.

All CUNY SPH students, faculty and staff are required to carry a valid CUNY SPH photo identification card while in the building. CUNY policy requires members of the college community to show their ID cards when requested to do so by public safety officers or other officials of the college. Lending an ID card to another person or using someone else’s ID card is prohibited.  The card is non-transferable.

To obtain a CUNY SPH ID card:

  • Human Resources must send an email to Public Safety with the name, EMPL ID, and library bar code of newly hired faculty or staff.
  • The IT department must send an email to Public Safety with the names, EMPL IDs, and library bar codes of newly registered students. All students must be currently registered in order to obtain a CUNY SPH ID card.
  • Photo IDs are usually available during the following days and hours during the academic semester:
    Monday – Thursday: 9am – 1pm, 4pm – 8pm

If you need a replacement ID or key(s), please stop by the 7th floor reception desk to report that your ID/key(s) are either lost or stolen. There is a $10 fee for replacing IDs and keys. Please stop by the Bursar’s office on the 5th floor (Room 550) with your check or money order. A receipt from the Bursar is required to replace your ID/key. Please check the Bursar’s page for their office hours.

*Please be aware that the Bursar’s office hours are subject to change 

CUNY SPH takes the safety and well-being of students, faculty, and staff very seriously. To learn more about public safety at CUNY SPH, including procedures for reporting crimes, please see the Annual Security Report.

The CUNY SPH’s Annual Security Report includes institutional policies concerning campus security, such as policies about alcohol and drug use, crime prevention, the reporting of crimes, including crimes involving sexual misconduct, sexual assault, and other matters.

Hard copies of the Annual Security Report can be obtained at the 7th Floor security desk and in Room 815 or by calling (646) 364-0272.



The CUNY School of Public Health in collaboration with the Graduate Center and its Office of Public Safety are committed to full compliance of all applicable laws governing hate crimes, to promoting the health and safety of its employees, and to making a significant and continual difference in the fight to end violence and hate crimes on campus. Accordingly, the safety and security of its students, staff, faculty, affiliates and visitors, along with its premises and property, is not a peripheral factor but central to the achievement of CUNY SPH’s educational, research, and cultural mission. We are also committed to respecting the dignity of all members of our community, seek to maintain an inclusive and mutually respectful environment, reject all acts of hatred and reaffirm our commitment to community members of all ages, races, nationalities, religions, genders and sexual identities.

Hate Crimes

A hate crime is a traditional criminal offense that is motivated by bias. A person commits a hate crime when one of a specified set of crimes is committed targeting a victim because of a perception or belief about their race, color, national origin, ancestry, gender, religion, religious practice, age, disability, or sexual orientation, or when such an act is committed as a result of that type of perception or belief. These crimes can target an individual, a group of individuals or public or private property. New York State’s Hate Crime Law (Penal Law Article 485) designates 53 Penal Law crimes as hate crimes: 39 felonies and 13 misdemeanors ranging from third degree criminal mischief to second degree murder. In addition, any attempt to commit – or conspiracy to commit – any of those felonies or misdemeanors is also designated as a hate crime.

Examples of hate crimes may include, but are not limited to: threatening phone calls, hate mail (including electronic mail), physical assaults, vandalism and destruction of property. Penalties for bias-related crimes are very serious and range from fines to imprisonment for lengthy periods, depending on the nature of the underlying criminal offense, the use of violence or previous conviction of the offender. Students, staff or faculty who commit bias crimes are also subject to University disciplinary procedures and a range of sanctions up to and including suspension, expulsion or termination of employment. To effectively manage incidents of bias related crimes and prevent future occurrences of such crimes, victims or witnesses of a hate crime are encouraged to immediately report the incident to the Public Safety Department.

NYS Hate Crime s Reporting Bill

On 7/11/23, Governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation (S.2060-A/A.3694A) to strengthen investigation and reporting requirements for hate crime incidents occurring on college campuses. The new law supplements the NYS Education Law Article 129-A and supplements CUNY’s responsibilities under the Clery Act.

Why You Should Report Hate Crime

Hate crimes have a broader effect than most other kinds of crime. Hate crime victims include not only the crime’s immediate target but also others like them. Hate crimes affect families, communities, and at times, the entire nation. Like many other types of crime, there is a disparity between hate crimes that actually occur and those reported to law enforcement. It is critical to report hate crimes not only to show support and get help for victims, but also to send a clear message that the community will not tolerate these kinds of crimes. Reporting hate crimes allows communities and law enforcement to fully understand the scope of the problem in a community and put resources toward preventing and addressing attacks based on bias and hate.

Protocol for Responding to Hate Crime Incidents

All students, staff and faculty are encouraged to notify Public Safety or a Campus Security Authority (CSA) as defined by the Clery Act if they experience or witness a hate crime incident. Once Public Safety or a CSA has been informed that a hate crime incident has occurred on campus, the protocol below must be followed to ensure that the incident is properly logged and investigated. Additionally, the college must inform the victim how they might receive proper support and assistance throughout the investigative process. Public Safety and/or the CSA will work collaboratively and take the following actions once informed of a hate crimes incident:

  • Inform the victim of the resources available to them;
  • Prepare a hate crimes incident report that will be noted on the Public Safety Crime Log;
  • Notify the college President or Dean;
  • Contact NYPD within 24 hours of receiving the report of a hate crimes incident; and
  • Update the college’s Public Safety Crime Log once NYPD or NYSP Hate Crimes Task Force has determined that the conduct qualifies as a “hate crime” under NYS Penal Law 485.05.

Specified Offenses and Penalties

The following types of conduct qualify as a “specified offence.” Note: The college’s Department of Public Safety will continue to use the FBI Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) Program’s definition of “hate crime” for Clery Act reporting purposes.

Specific Offense Penal Law Section Degree Class of Felony or Misdemeanor * Imprisonment in years
Assault §120.10 1 B 6 to 25
§120.05 2 C 1 to 15
§120.00 3 E 1 to 4
Aggravated Assault Upon Person less than 11 years old  



1 to 7

Menacing §120.13 1 D 1 to 7
§120.14 2 E 1 to 4
§120.15 3 A* To 1 year
Reckless Endangerment §120.25 1 C 1 to 15
§120.20 2 E 1 to 4
Manslaughter §125.20 1 B 6 to 25
§125.15 2 C 1 to 15
Murder §125.25 2 A-II 3 to life
Stalking §120.60 1 C 1 to 15
§120.55 2 D 1 to 7
§120.50 3 E 1 to 4
§120.45 4 A* To 1 year
Rape §130.35 1 A-II 3 to life
Criminal Sexual Act §130.50 1 A-II 3 to life
Sexual Abuse §130.65 1 C 1 to 15
Aggravated Sexual Abuse §130.70 1 A-II 3 to life
§130.67 1 B 6 to 25
Unlawful Imprisonment §135.10 1 D 1 to 7
§135.05 2 E 1 to 4
Kidnapping §135.25 1 A-I 20 to life
§135.20 2 A-II 3 to life
Coercion §135.65 1 C 1 to 15
§135.60 2 E 1 to 4
Criminal Trespass §140.17 1 C 1 to 15
§140.15 2 E 1 to 4
§140.10 3 A* To 1 year
Burglary §140.30 1 A-II 3 to life
§140.25 2 B 6 to 25
§140.20 3 C 1 to 15
Criminal Mischief §145.12 1 A-II 3 to life
§145.10 2 C 1 to 15
§145.05 3 D 1 to 7

Final Disposition of a Hate Crime

The determinations and final dispositions of incidents initially reported to the college as a “hate crime” will ultimately be made by the NYPD or the NYSPP Hate Crimes Task Force. The college’s Public Safety Crime Log will be updated accordingly.

Distribution of Hate Crime Statistics

The college will report and post on its website separate, clearly designated data on hate crime offenses occurring at or on the college grounds. This data will be based on the NYS Penal Law 485.05 hate crime definition. The college will also provide the address for the U.S Department of Education’s (US DOE) campus crime statistics and the link to the US DOE statistics for the college. In addition, the college will continue to provide a webpage with a link to the Annual Security Report. The Annual Security Report contains statistics regarding crimes that are compiled from campus incident reports, reports from designated Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) and reports/statistics from local NYPD precincts.

CUNY SPH Hate Crime Statistics

Year Location Reported To Incident Type Bias Classification
* 2006-2017 N/A N/A N/A N/A
2018 On Campus GC Public Safety Intimidation Religion
2019-2024 N/A N/A N/A N/A

*CUNY SPH as part of the Graduate Center started tracking Hate Crimes as a sperate category in 2006

Prevention and Education Efforts

Incoming students will receive training on hate crime prevention measures through programs that promote discussion, encourage reporting and facilitate prevention of such incidents. Incoming students will also be informed of campus crime statistics and campus safety policies and procedures during the onboarding process. The college’s Advisory Committee on Campus Security will continue to review campus security policies and procedures for educating students, staff and faculty about reporting and preventing hate crimes.

Counseling and Support Services

Anyone who is a victim of a bias-related crime is encouraged to seek counseling from a trained mental health professional. Experienced counselors, trained to assist with the consequences of bias-related crime and/or bias-related crime trauma, are available through CUNY SPH Counseling and Wellness Services (call 646.364.9526).  You may also use Student Resources for specific help, including academic accommodations, as needed.  Faculty and Staff can get free short term counseling assistance through the CUNY Work/Life program (800-833-8707,, Company Code: CUNY).

If you believe you are experiencing or have experienced discrimination or harassment, as defined in CUNY’s Equal Opportunity and Non-Discrimination Policy, please feel free to report this conduct through the University’s Discrimination and Retaliation Reporting Portal. If you have any concerns about your safety, please contact the Office of Public Safety. (call 646.364.0272)

Additional Resources

The statistical information gathered by the Department of Education is available to the public through the Department of Education website at Campus Safety and Security (

To access the data for CUNY SPH, please follow these instructions:

  1. Navigate to the Campus Safety and Security website
  2. Click “Get Data for One School”
  3. Enter “CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy”
  4. Click “Continue”
  5. Click “CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy”
  6. Click “Continue” again to get to the statistics page

The Advisory Committee on Campus Security at the CUNY Graduate Center covers the following institutions: The Graduate Center, Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY, CUNY School of Labor and Urban Studies, CUNY Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy and the CUNY School of Professional Studies.

Public Safety Desk
(646) 364-0272

Desiree Joyner
Assistant Director of Public Safety
Campus Lieutenant  |  (646) 364-9571

John Flaherty
Director of Public Safety  |  (212) 817-7761
The Graduate Center
Room 9117
365 Fifth Avenue
New York, NY, 10016

NYPD 28th Precinct
(212) 678-1611 (or Call 911)
2271-89 8th Avenue
New York, NY 10027

Reporting Incidents

Faculty, staff, students, and guests are encouraged to promptly report any past crime, attempted crime, or criminal activity in progress that occurs on campus or on the adjacent geographic perimeter of the campus to the Public Safety Department. Public Safety will expeditiously respond to the condition reported and make necessary notifications to the local police precinct.  Criminal activities, as well as other emergencies, can be reported by:

  1. Calling Public Safety at (646) 364-0272 or extension 40272 may be dialed within the School’s telephone system, during operating hours, M-F, 8am – 10pm.
  2. Emailing Public Safety at
  3. Reporting the information to the officer at the 7th floor Public Safety reception desk
  4. If the situation you observe or are involved in is of an extreme or life-threatening nature, call 911.  When you make a 911 call, please also notify Public Safety at extension 40272.  They will also respond to assist and direct the police and other emergency personnel to the reported emergency.

The Public Safety Department is responsible for securing all items lost and/or found on campus. If you find an item, please bring it to the 7th floor desk, where it will be catalogued and inventoried for safe keeping. When possible, Public Safety staff contact the owner of the item to alert them that his/her property was found and can be claimed. Non-claimed items are disposed of pursuant to CUNY guidelines regarding property retention and disposal.

If you suspect an item may have been taken from your office, workstation or personal belongings, report the item missing to Public Safety. Public Safety will complete an incident report. CUNY property and personal belongings that are stolen must also be reported to the 28th precinct. This includes all electronic devices, such as computers, laptops, printers, mobile phones, tablets and other equipment purchased with tax-levy, grant, contract or other school or university funds. When a report has been filed with the 28th precinct, our Public Safety Department will require the report number from report. The individual is also responsible for notifying Facilities of lost or stolen inventoried CUNY property, please contact the Facilities Property Specialist at (646) 364-9868.

Under the provisions of Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX), 20 USC §§ 1681 et seq., and its implementing regulations, 34 CFR Part 106, discrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities operated by recipients of federal financial assistance is prohibited.  Sexual harassment of students, which includes acts of sexual violence, cyber stalking and unwanted verbal and physical contact of a sexual nature, is a form of discrimination prohibited by Title IX.  Sexual Harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that is sufficiently serious to adversely affect your ability to participate in or benefit from an educational program.  It includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, nonverbal, or physical conduct of a sexual nature on or off campus.

Allegations of misconduct, including sexual assault, stalking, or dating, domestic and intimate partner violence should be promptly reported as follows:

Sahana Gupta
Chief Diversity Officer
(646) 664-9521

John Flaherty
Director of Public Safety
The Graduate Center, 365 Fifth Avenue, NY, NY, 10016,
Room 9117
(212) 817-7761

Arthur McHugh
Human Resources Director
CUNY SPH, 55 West 125th Street
Room 715
(646) 364-9764

Terry McGovern
Senior Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs
CUNY SPH, 55 West 125 St,
Room 532
(646) 364-9774

To view a copy of the City University of New York Policy on Sexual Misconduct, please click here.

For more detailed information on Title IX including community resources, CUNY policies, how to get help, and guidelines on understanding and preventing sexual assault and sexual harassment please click here.

Policy Implementation Workflow – these charts reflects the resources available to the CUNY SPH community in the implementation of various relevant policies.

Emergency Notification and Response

All students, faculty and staff are strongly encouraged to participate in the CUNY Alert system. CUNYAlert is the CUNY branded emergency alert system that is based on the NYAlert system operated by the New York State.

CUNY makes every effort to inform affected CUNY Alert registered users of an emergency in a timely and appropriate manner. The CUNY Alert system is designed to give you immediate and up-to-date information regarding weather, utility and emergency situations. The system can contact you and family or friends, as you designate, via text message, cell phone, landline and/or e-mail. The system can offer all methods of notice, a single method or any combination. It is user friendly and can prove to be invaluable before, during and after an emergency.

All CUNY faculty and staff with current CUNYfirst accounts will be automatically enrolled in CUNY Alert. Everyone will still have the option to enroll for phone alerts (work, home, mobile, etc.) and text message (SMS) alerts. Research Foundation (and other auxiliary payroll unit) employees who do not have CUNYfirst accounts may sign up for CUNY Alert as guests. Management of all CUNY Alert accounts will be done within the CUNYfirst system. Faculty, staff, and students will sign into the system and manage their preferences to receive emergency information.

Please be aware that CUNY is not responsible for outdated or incorrect subscriber information, technical limitations such as overtaxed communications systems, transmission errors, and cellular telephone roaming and out of range areas that may delay, block, or prevent, the communications of messages to certain users. CUNY also is not responsible for any costs incurred by the user for any alert received or for any actions taken or not taken by the user or any third party in reliance of an alert.

55 West 125th Street Building Management conducts fire drills and emergency action plan drills each year as required by local law.  During these drills, building occupants are familiarized with campus evacuation procedures. All members of the college community on campus must participate.  The college community will be notified of the drills in advance via community-wide emails.

An emergency can be reported in the following ways:

  • Call x40272 to contact Public Safety during regular hours of operation (M-F, 8am – 10pm)
  • Call 911 to report emergencies directly to the New York City Police, Fire and/or Emergency Medical Services.  If calling 911 while on campus, also call Public Safety at x40272 so the emergency response can be expedited.

Know your escape route using the building’s fire exits and fire stairs in advance (you should know your escape routes well enough to be able to make your way in the dark or in dense smoke).  Also be prepared to use an alternate exit in case your primary route is obstructed. Remain calm and proceed to evacuate the area in an orderly manner. Rely on planning and knowledge, do not rush, push, or panic. Listen for instructions from Fire Wardens, Security and Public Safety Officers and the Fire Safety/Emergency Action Plan Director (via public address announcements). Do not use an elevator to evacuate unless directed to do so by emergency service personnel.

Primary Assembly Area: Marcus Garvey Memorial Park (On 124th Street; between Fifth Ave and Madison Ave)

Alternate Assembly Area: Collyer Brothers Park (On Fifth Ave; Between 128th Street and 129th Street)

In case of fire or visible smoke, pull the nearest fire alarm; call NYFD at 911 and/or Public Safety at x40272. Prepare to evacuate immediately upon the sounding of any fire alarm and alert those in the immediate area of the danger.  Follow the instructions given by the Fire Safety/Emergency Action Plan Director, Fire Wardens and Public Safety personnel. Before opening any door, touch the door with the back of your hand and do not open a door that is warm or hot. Close doors behind you to prevent fire spread, but make sure that you can reopen them if you need to retreat. Use stairs and not elevators. Help those less able and persons in wheelchairs to smoke free stairwells: report their location and condition to NYFD and college Public Safety personnel. Do not remove any person from a wheelchair or attempt to carry or negotiate wheelchairs with people up or down the steps. When at other colleges, comply with posted or announced fire instructions.

This course of action may be necessary during a release of toxic chemicals, biological agents, radiation, civil unrest, severe weather or other emergencies. Stay inside the building and close all doors and windows, sealing off openings to your room if possible.  Do not use elevators as they may pump air through the building. Remain in place until you are told that it is safe to leave.

Call NYPD 911 and/or Public Safety at x40272. In the event that there is an active shooting incident on campus and someone enters the area you are in and begins shooting, exit the building only if it can be done quickly and safely. If you are unable to safely evacuate, go to the nearest room, lock the door, remain low and if you can, safely phone 911.

Call NYPD or EMS at 911 and/or Public Safety at x40272. Public Safety personnel will assist and coordinate emergency response forces. The Graduate School of Public Health & Health Policy peace officers and campus security assistants are not armed, and are not emergency medical technicians. The NYPD and Emergency Medical Service are called upon to perform these functions.

Students and employees injured in accidents should call Public Safety (x40272), seek medical attention, and notify their supervisor and the Office of Student Affairs or the Director of Human Resources as appropriate. Hazards should be reported immediately. All Public Safety Officers are certified in C.P.R., A.E.D., and First Aid.

Training and Awareness

CUNY has a long-standing commitment to promoting a safe and secure academic and work environment that promotes the achievement of its mission of teaching, research, scholarship and service. All members of the University community, including students, faculty, and staff, are expected to maintain a working and learning environment free from violence, threats of harassment, intimidation or coercion. While these behaviors are not prevalent at the University, no organization is immune.

CUNY prohibits workplace violence. Violence, threats of violence, intimidation, harassment, coercion, or other threatening behavior towards people or property will not be tolerated. Complaints involving workplace violence will not be ignored and will be given the serious attention they deserve. Individuals who violate this policy may be removed from University property and are subject to disciplinary and/or personnel action up to and including termination, consistent with University policies, rules and collective bargaining agreements, and/or referral to law enforcement authorities for criminal prosecution.

Any person who is the subject of a potential violation of this policy or is a witness to such suspected violation, should report the incident to his or her supervisor, or in lieu thereof, Public Safety. Students should report such incidents to Student Services or in lieu thereof, Public Safety. The Public Safety Department will work with Human Resources or Student Services on an appropriate response. Any person experiencing or witnessing imminent danger or actual violence involving weapons or personal injury should call the Public Safety department immediately, or call 911.

The CUNY Workplace Violence Policy and additional information on workplace violence can be found here, here, and here.

Policy Implementation Workflow – these charts reflects the resources available to the CUNY SPH community in the implementation of various relevant policies.

A constructive relationship between the Public Safety Department and the School community, fostered by trust and confidence, is essential to a successful security and safety program. In order for us to better understand the community’s perception of our service; it is important that we investigate any allegation of inappropriate officer conduct. Your criticisms and constructive suggestions for improvement are welcomed. Each complaint will be thoroughly investigated and appropriate corrective action will be taken when warranted. You can file a complaint at the 7th floor reception desk by asking for the tour supervisor or by emailing or calling the Director of Public Safety.
