
The CUNY SPH Office of Communications (Comms) is essential to positioning the school as a premier institute of graduate education and research, utilizing a variety of communications channels and social media.

Comms is responsible for crafting all official communications from the school, as well as delivering news-worthy information to both our internal and external audiences. Comms ensures that all official communications by the school are consistent in content, tone, and style, and adhere to the overall mission and vision of the school.

The Comms team also helps promote official CUNY SPH events, including events hosted by our affiliated centers and institutes, through our various communications channels and through our social media accounts.

Contact Us

General inquiries:

Sumana Chandra
Director of Communications and College Relations
(646) 364-0260

Ariana Costakes
Communications Editorial Manager
(646) 364-9649

Style Guides and Handbooks

Branded materials and templates

If you experience any issues accessing these files, please contact

CUNY SPH Website

The content of the CUNY SPH website ( is maintained by Communications. All page updates, questions, or concerns can be sent to Sumana Chandra (

City Health Magazine

The City Health magazine, published annually, showcases our scholarly achievements through feature articles, profiles, and research briefs.

Read the latest City Health

CUNY SPH Weekly E-Newsletters


The Update, a weekly e-newsletter published every Wednesday, is an essential tool for fostering a sense of community among our faculty, students, and staff, and promoting awareness of the achievements of our colleagues.

CUNY SPH Events Roundup

The Events Roundup, a weekly e-newsletter published every Friday, provides a comprehensive listing of all SPH sponsored events as well as external public health related events of potential interest.

Social Media

We use various social media platforms to keep our friends and community members up-to-the-minute on our research, awards, and events.

Twitter: @CUNYSPH



Instagram: @cunysph


Events promotion

Communications can assist in promoting official CUNY SPH events, including those sponsored by our affiliated Centers and Institutes.

To submit an event for inclusion on the CUNY SPH calendar, please use the “Submit Event” form on this page. If you have any questions, please email Sumana Chandra (
