Tobacco, Alcohol, and Drugs


The eCHECKUP TO GO programs are anonymous, evidence-based, online self-assessment and prevention/intervention plans for alcohol, marijuana, and nicotine use. This is a free and confidential service.  Each 20-30 minute program is self-guided and requires no face-to-face contact time with a counselor. However, if you would like support prior to or after using eCHECKUP TO GO please reach out to Counseling and Wellness Services.

Please use these links for access to the programs:

Healthy CUNY Smoking Cessation Resources

Visit the Tobacco Free CUNY webpage for resources offered by CUNY for students, faculty and staff to assist individuals who wish to decrease their tobacco consumption or quit smoking.

Online quitting programs and apps

NYC Quits is an online resource for smokers and recent quitters. Individuals can register to track their progress using a cravings log, see how much money they will save by using the Quit Calculator, read and share quit tips, test their knowledge with quizzes, and much more.  Plus, individuals get support from thousands of other quitters by joining the NYQuits Facebook community “I Quit Because” (

The EX Plan: A free quit smoking program
The EX Plan App: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

Nicotine Replacement Therapy

The NY State Quitline offers medications and nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) those who smoke more than half a pack per day. To see if you are eligible, please visit the NY State Quitline website or call 1-866-NYQUITS for more information.

You can also call 311 or visit and search “quit smoking” for additional options for smokers interested in NRT. Additional information from the NYCDOHMH regarding various smoking cessation programs throughout NYC can be found here.

Addiction Services

See the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports site for information and resources.
