CUNY SPH professor’s genome data project receives $12 million grant

Nov. 19, 2018
Dr. Levi Waldron
Dr. Levi Waldron

The Genomic Data Science Analysis, Visualization, and Informatics Lab-Space (AnVIL) project, also led by James Taylor, Associate Professor at Johns Hopkins University, will facilitate integration and computing on and across large datasets generated by NHGRI programs, as well as initiatives funded by National Institutes of Health or other agencies that support human genomics research. It will free researchers from moving large quantities of data in order to analyze them with statistical and bioinformatic software.

AnVIL will include web interfaces and tools for investigators with extensive coding experience as well as those with limited coding experience. Researchers will also have the option to upload their own data and run their own software packages on the platform once it is built. The proposal also includes training for researchers on use of AnVIL, and the use of AnVIL to teach genomic data science through Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs).

“Our role at CUNY will be to contribute data from the Bioconductor project for open-source bioinformatics, and to develop Bioconductor interfaces that make the AnVIL platform accessible to its broad user base,” Waldron says.

Learn more about AnVIL here.
