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CUNY Urban Food Policy Forum: Combining Scholarship and Activism: An Intergenerational Exchange

Thursday, December 15, 2022
11:00 am – 12:30 pm
CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute

Drawing on the seminal work of food policy scholars, activists, and trailblazers Marion Nestle and Robert Gottlieb, this urban food policy forum focuses on the key question of how to combine food policy scholarship and activism and examines it through an intergenerational dialogue. The two authors and guest speakers’ most recent books, Slow Cooked: An Unexpected Life in Food Politics (Nestle, 2022; University of California Press) and Care-Centered Politics: From the Home to the Planet (Gottlieb, 2022; MIT Press), will inform and frame this timely exchange. Nestle and Gottlieb will be joined by CUNY students who will facilitate the discussion and share their views and questions on this and related food policy and activism topics. Join us on December 15 for this virtual CUNY Urban Food Policy Forum!
