Department of Health Policy and Management

The Department of Health Policy and Management aims to improve population health by enhancing access to care, increasing efficiencies across health systems, and eliminating disparities.

Our faculty approach these aims by providing leadership and expertise in support of healthcare system innovation, conducting analyses of the social, political and economic drivers of health, developing and testing innovative community and clinical interventions, and engaging in political advocacy. Faculty researchers are accomplished in a broad range of domains including health care organizations and delivery systems; global health; health and behavioral economics; communicable and non-communicable diseases such as HIV, obesity, diabetes, liver disease, and other conditions; substance use; and the application of systems science in population health, among others.

In keeping with our belief in using applied public health practice arenas, students have opportunities to work in real-world policy-making organizations and research institutions to hone their skills to become leaders of tomorrow.

Department Chair

Terry Huang

Doctoral Director

Meredith Manze

Department Faculty

Listing of HPAM faculty

Department Administrator

Alicia Smith
