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Professor Emeritus
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Artisanal Gold Mining, Dissemination and Implementation of Evidence-based Programs, Environmental Public Health Services, Global Health, Lead poisoning
Associate Professor Deputy Director, Center for Systems and Community Design
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Diet-related disparities, social determinants of diet-related diseases, immigrant health
(646) 364-9636 Room 636
Assistant Professor Director, Nutrition and Dietetic Internship
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Nutrition education, experiential teaching and learning, workforce development in food and nutrition, diet and nutrition impacts on chronic diseases, and nutritional factors in the prevention and care of movement disorders
(646) 364-9512 Room 512
Associate Professor
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Occupational and environmental health, toxicology, the application, use and ethics of biological monitoring
(646) 364-9517 Room 517
Associate Professor Department Chairperson
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Health effects of the built environment, quantitative community health needs assessment, environmental health, gentrification, geospatial and spatiotemporal modeling of association between risk/protective factors and health outcomes
(646) 364-9518 Room 518
Professor Senior Associate Dean for Administration
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Health Policy, Environmental and Occupational Health, Academic Public Health
Professor Center/Institute Faculty Affiliation
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Environmental epidemiology related to mining. Disability and the environment, epidemiology of risk related to metal exposure.
(803) 331-6630 Room 830
Professor Emeritus
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Risk assessment policy
Associate Professor
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Exposure science, risk assessment, industrial hygiene
(646) 364-9509 Room 509
Assistant Professor
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Emergency Preparedness and Response, Measurement and Evaluation, Climate Change, Public Health Practice, Information Environments, Behavioral Interventions
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Non-communicable diseases, specifically applying evolutionary biology, i.e., growth and reproduction trading-off against longevity, to understand population health, to explain patterns of disease, and to identify new interventions.
Epidemiological methods, specifically application of techniques that enable robust causal inference.
Epidemiological methods, specifically application of techniques that enable robust causal inference.
(646) 364-9519 Room 519
Professor Doctoral Program Director
Environmental, Occupational, and Geospatial Health Sciences
Nutrition assessment, diagnoses and interventions, public health nutrition and translational research. Nutrient signaling and biochemical pathways; nutrition in cancer prevention, diagnosis, monitoring and control. mTOR signal transduction. Metabolomics and biomarkers in chronic diseases. Untargeted metabolomics and exposomics.
(646) 364-9515 Room 515