Time to file your 2025-2026 FAFSA!

For the 2025-2026 year and beyond, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) will be available on October 1. In the past, the FAFSA opened on January 1 and the FAFSA used the previous year’s tax data. Now, students will file the FAFSA using tax information from two years prior using income information imported electronically from the IRS, using their Data Retrieval Tool (DRT).

The application is free, so be on your guard when searching for the FAFSA application: Filers should make sure that they use only the official Department of Education site.

It is your responsibility to supply accurate and complete information on the FAFSA and to notify your financial aid office immediately of any changes in your enrollment plans, housing status, or financial situation, including information about any institutional or outside scholarships you will be receiving.

Financial Aid is not automatically renewed each year, continuing students must submit a Renewal FAFSA each year. Renewal depends on the annual re-evaluation of your need, the availability of funds, and satisfactory progress toward the completion of your degree requirements

Important Notice: International, Advanced Certificate, and Non Degree students are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid including Federal Direct Loans.
