Class Research Projects

Faculty who are interested in incorporating research projects into their courses must adhere to federal and university-wide research protocols and procedures. All Human Subjects Research (HSR), including student research as part of a class, requires HRPP/IRB review and approval via IRB Manager before any student work can begin. For more information on student research and compliance, please refer to the Student Investigators page.

If you wish to integrate student research-based learning projects into your class where the purpose of those projects is solely to fulfill course requirements (i.e., educational purposes) and findings will not be made generalizable, HRPP/IRB review is not needed, nor is completion of the SPH HRPP HSR Assessment Form.

If you would like to introduce your students to HRPP processes, you may have them complete the Class Project HSR Decision Tool to provide information about their class projects. Completion of this form will generate an HSR determination. Note that completion of this form is not required for class projects.

Please contact the CUNY SPH HRPP office with any questions about class research projects and IRB requirements.
