Study: Quality of parent-caseworker relationship impacts child maltreatment case outcomes

Patient talking with therapist

New research by CUNY SPH alumni highlights the role of the parent-caseworker relationship in child maltreatment investigations and decision-making.

In the study, published last month in the Journal of Public Child Welfare, doctoral grads Erika Tullberg and Wendy Vaughon emphasize the importance of caseworkers building positive relationships with parents to gather complete case information and make better informed decisions.

“A good relationship reduces hostility, allows parents to be more open, and gives caseworkers a fuller picture of the family situation,” says Dr. Tullberg.

The researchers note that caseworkers must balance the dual roles of investigator and social worker, trying to build rapport with parents while also maintaining objectivity. This juggling act impacts the information gathered and how it is processed.

At the same time, while child welfare agencies aim to empower parents and include their voice, parents often feel powerless due to the inherent authority imbalance. Genuine attempts to engage parents may be undermined by the system’s complexity and parents’ high stress levels.

The study reveals limitations of the Decision-Making Ecology (DME) framework, which treats parents’ influence as unidirectional. The findings suggest the parent-caseworker relationship itself independently influences decision-making, requiring a more dynamic, bi-directional model of partnership.

Drs. Tullberg and Vaughon propose expanding the DME framework to capture the dynamics within the parent-caseworker relationship. This expansion recognizes parents’ active role and the interplay between different factors, rather than treating them as isolated influences.

“Agencies and parents both want children to grow up safely; we believe that more equitable partnerships between them will further that goal,” says Vaughon.

This study arose from Dr. Tullberg’s dissertation research. She wishes to acknowledge her committee chair Diana Romero and members Meredith Manze and Alexis Pozen.

Tullberg, E., & Vaughon, W. (2024). Examining the role of the parent-caseworker relationship in child maltreatment decision-making. Journal of Public Child Welfare, 1–20. 
