APHA 2023 recap

Nov. 21, 2023

Many of our CUNY SPH faculty, students and alumni participated in last week’s 2023 APHA Annual Meeting and Expo. We were thrilled to see such great representation for our school. Here are some highlights.

MPH student Michelle Dearolff (center) presented on trans men’s experiences navigating sex and safety during initial COVID-19 shutdowns. The study was coauthored with PhD student Alexa D’Angelo (right) and Professor Christian Grov (left).

PhD candidate Alexa D’Angelo (center) presented on trans men’s experiences navigating insurance to access gender affirming care. The study was co-authored with MPH student Michelle Dearolff (left) and Professor Christian Grov (right).

PhD student Jeffrey Wilhite (left) presented on sexual and gender minorities’ experiences navigating TeleHealth medicine. The study was co-authored with alumna Chloe Mirzayi, former research scientist Drew Westmoreland and Professor Grov (right).

PhD student Thinh Vu presented a paper entitled “Substance use and its association with psychosocial factors during COVID-19 among Harlem residents in New York City.” The study was among top nine abstracts for student outstanding award candidates in the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs section.

Doctoral student Holly Isenberg presented a paper entitled “Barriers to use of mental health services among public university students in New York City,” which was co-authored with fellow doctoral students Dana Huber and Jenna Sanborn, Distinguished Professor Nick Freudenberg and Associate Professor Meredith Manze.
In her role as Program Director for Communications and Engagement for the national RECOVER Initiative, doctoral student Catherine Freeland served on a panel hosted by the National Institutes of Health and its Community Engagement Alliance (CEAL)
Didn’t see your presentation or award? Submit it to communications@sph.cuny.edu and see it featured in an upcoming edition of the Update.