Marie Donaldson, CUNY SPH doctoral graduate and Senior Postdoctoral Fellow of the Center for Immigrant, Refugee, and Global Health (CIRGH), will be joining the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) this year as a Foreign Service Officer.
USAID Foreign Service Officers apply their technical knowledge, program design, management, and evaluation expertise to promote and demonstrate democratic values abroad, and advance a free, peaceful, and prosperous world.
While at CUNY SPH, Dr. Donaldson supported the development of CIRGH and the MS in Global and Migrant Health Policy. Her work has largely focus on improving the use of national data sets. Her doctoral dissertation discussed improving national health management information systems in selected African countries.
We are thrilled for Dr. Donaldson in her new position working to advance the United States’ foreign policy overseas, bringing with her everything she learned at CUNY SPH.
“The skills and valuable experience I gained while at CUNY SPH have helped prepare me for this opportunity,” Dr. Donaldson says. “I will continue to apply all that I learned from the school’s dedicated faculty and staff—in particular, my advisor, Dr. Jim Sherry—and my fellow students in my work with the agency to improve health outcomes globally.”