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CUNY Public Health Innovation Accelerator DEMO Day

Thursday, July 28, 2022
12:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Center for Systems and Community Design
(646) 364-0261

What is the Public Health Innovation Accelerator?
The Accelerator is an 8-week program that transforms early-stage ideas and prototypes into market ready ventures with public health impact. Venture teams are brought into a collaborative community of mentors, speakers, and peers who support each others development. All online. At no cost.

Visit our webpage to learn more about the accelerator and Firefly Innovations at Firefly-Innovations.com

What is the Demo Day?
8 ventures will each virtually present their solutions to a public audience of entrepreneurs, researchers, investors, and more in a 5-minute pitch with a 5-minute Q&A. Judges will score the ventures and announce the top 3 for monetary awards. All ventures are for-profit and have backgrounds in public health, science and engineering, tech development, business, and more.
The Demo Day audience and judges include those who are dedicated to public health driven solutions from a wide range of fields, such as entrepreneurship, research, and investments.
